In 2018, Mastercard, in an interview with The New York Times
revealed that it encountered more than 460,000 data breach attempts in
Remember the long-forgotten times when employees would type up information or
write them by hand to create hard copies of files? These copies would then be
photocopied several times to be circulated among
Counted among the biggest health data breaches of 2019, Quest Diagnostics
reported the exposure of its 11.9 million
[] patients’
personal data. An access
The rising popularity of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has enabled corporate
employees to work remotely. Along with the ease of working outside the office,
comes security issues that may expose a company’
The Personal Data Protection bill aims to ingest a culture that nurtures a just digital economy with an eye towards respecting the privacy of each individual’s personal information. Read more to find out how Kogni can help you comply with this regulation.
A brief on how AI is compromising our right to privacy and ways to tackle it.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is high on the agenda across most domains due to these three attributes: scale, speed, and automation.